2022 - The Year of Collaboration and Peer House Toronto

The Launch of Peer House Toronto at PeerHouse.ca is a move toward a stronger Peer Community for Toronto. PeerHouse.ca is a collaborative, unowned space for Lived Expeirence People in Toronto to find what they are looking for. Accessible Toronto Peer Supporters, Peer Programs, Peer Training and Resources, Peer Events, Leadership skills and much more are here. Importantly, they are recommended by Toronto Lived Experience People, for Toronto Lived Experience People. Please visit PeerHouse.ca. and introduce this new Central Resource hub to your Clients fresh from intake, and again during recovery to find a couple of Peer Program choices to try that appeal to them.

Please Visit PeerHouse.ca to collaborate in the Peer Movement as a Peer Organization.

‘No One Left Behind’ during Covid-19 focused on community developed research, housing for all, and a push toward Peer (people with lived experience) of mainstream systems) involvement. The shift toward collaboration initiated through the pandemic brings us closer toward developmental organizations, rather than costly silos and band aid solutions. Collaboration toward developing healthy communities will overcome the ongoing oppression of ‘homelessness’ - a disconnection from moving on from poverty and isolation. Toronto - as an urban centre with thousands of service and resource organizations for the marginalized - is underdeveloped as a Peer centre. Under-developed or inaccessible Peer programs, Peer Support services can grow in Toronto with collaboration from Peer sectors outside of the GTA. Especially the robust and highly developed Consumer Survivor Initiatives.

Collaboration between cross-sectoral Peer Support is the road to take in 2022 as slowly work toward holistic healthcare and against the pandemic shutting down of in-person supports.

Elizabeth Tremblay